After closing the Ankara Italian Cultural Center in 2012, Casa Italia started to operate in 2017 by completing its establishment under the roof of Italy Friendship Association.
Taking over the tradition and understanding of the Italian Cultural Center as spiritual heritage, and its language education staff in Ankara, working for the Italian language and
culture in Ankara.
Casa Italia achivied a big success with many cultural activities, interviews, film representation and other events in a short period of time. Ankara Embassy of Italy and Ankara
University DTCF the Italian Language and Literature Department are the most important power sources as the motivational supporters of Casa Italia in its efforts for the Italian
Language and Literature.
The Casa Italia family, who grew by day, has placed culture and art activities as priority targets to increase such activites in Ankara which were significantly dropped in those
years. Ankara's only monthly periodical in Italian, il Giornalino di Casa Italia is offered to the public both online and printed. Again, library in Casa Italia is the unique Italian
library in Ankara which is growing with new boks in Italian day by day. Everyone is invited to participate to our culture and art activities where you can follow on our website and
social media accounts, we always appreciate your views and recommendations.
In summary, Casa Italia has a significant "Culture Bridge" mission between the two countries and carries it out successfully.
To get to know us more closely, you can visit our cultural center in Billur Street 5/7, or activities center in Kuzgun Street 95, you can reach our office by phone 0312 466 3031 to
get more detailed information about our courses and activities, please also follow us on social media: Facebook/Instagram/Twiter: @italyadostuk